Ugh! What a day.
It is raining outside, the sky is dark and gloomy. Although we desperately need rain, I hate it.
Yesterday, my daughter was working on my last nerve of the day. Time and time again I asked her to clean up her mess and time and time again she ignored me or only picked up half of it. After being frustrated by trying to cook dinner and clean at the same time, while trying to keep on top of her and her responsibility, I yelled at her. I hate when I yell. At the time, you feel like you just can't get through to them or that somehow a raised voice will sound more stern or serious and will get them to listen better.. but it doesn't. It just shows them that you haven't perfected the art of self control. Everytime I raise my voice to her, I regret it the next day. I guess it makes me feel like a failure in a way. Raising kids is a challenge in itself and doing it alone is an even bigger challenge.
Hats off to any single parent.
Guess I just needed to vent! Thank God for blogs!!
I feel for you. I teach pre-school so I know a lot about children. My advice to you is to make a game of it. always what works for me is to offer them two choices ( both choices are what you want to happen )
When children are offered choices they feel like they are getting what they want. In all actuality you are the one ahead of the game. Also if I join in and help them it tends to get the task done. I am also a single mom and have been for the past 15 years. I hope that this advice helps. Another thing is to take time for yourself.Hang in there!
Thanks Carrie.... I think you said the magical words "take time for yourself".. I haven't done that in awhile, maybe its waring on me!
Thanks for your advice!
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